
What is the meaning of hate the sin but not the sinner?

What is the meaning of hate the sin but not the sinner?

The clearest use of this phrase actually derives from Mahatma Gandhi in his 1929 autobiography: “Hate the sin and not the sinner.” But Gandhi’s full statement has a bit different flavor: “Hate the sin and not the sinner is a precept which, though easy enough to understand, is rarely practiced, and that is why the …

What does it mean to be called a sinner?

: someone who has done something wrong according to religious or moral law : someone who has sinned.

What does God say about loving the sinner?

“Love the sinner, hate the sin.” We can repeat it faster than we can recite John 3:16, Romans 6:23 or Psalm 137:9.

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Can you love someone and not like them Bible?

When Christians believe we can love people without liking them, and therein avoid a more intimate relationship with others, we undermine the gospel message. There is no such thing as a Christ that loves people without liking them, especially since not liking someone generally means avoiding them.

Does the Bible say to love everyone?

John 15:12-13. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

What Scripture says this too shall pass?

-Strength for Today- “And This Too Shall Pass” 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18.

Is liking someone a sin?

The Bible is very clear that lusting is a sin. We know about the warnings against sexual sin. However, when we think of relationships in a Biblical way, we lead ourselves toward healthy relationships. Wanting to get to know someone better, to date, is not sin unless we allow lust to interweave itself into the crush.

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How do you pray for someone you don’t like?

Lord, please let your spirit into my heart so that I can move forward. Fill me with your light and let me see clear enough to come out of this fog of hatred and anger. Lord, be my everything at this moment so I can be the person you desire for me. Thank you, Lord.

What does the Bible say about hate the sin love the sinner?

The Bible does indeed say Love the sinner hate the sin. – Or at least my translation TLB states in the last part of Jude 23 “Hate every trace of their sin while being merciful to them as sinners.’ put this together with Loving your enemy and your neighbour as yourself, and the Bible states the sentiment before Ghandi.

Does God actually hate sinners?

When we look at the idea that God hates sin, but loves sinners, the figure of speech known as metonymy clears up the confusion. Just as God does not hate physical feet or tongues, He does not hate sinners . These nouns are put in the place of the things they cause-sin.

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Why does God love sinners?

So yes, God does love sinners, in the sense that he wants what’s best for them, and that he extends a measure of patience to them, and (most importantly) he gave his Son, Jesus Christ, for them so they could have a way to be reconciled to him. He loves them as a perfect parent would still love their estranged child.