
What is the meaning of proclaimed offender?

What is the meaning of proclaimed offender?

A person against whom arrest warrant has been issued can be declared a ‘proclaimed offender’ if the court has reasons to believe that he/she is absconding or is in hiding, blocking execution of the warrant.

Who is proclaimed offender under CrPC?

Under section 82 of CrPC, a court can publish a proclamation requiring the accused to appear if the warrant issued against him cannot be executed. According to section 83 of CrPC, after issuing such a proclamation, the court may also order attachment of the proclaimed offender’s properties.

What is the difference between proclaimed person and proclaimed offender?

Pertinently, the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in Sanjay Bhandai Case10, resolutely confirmed that a person who is accused of offences other than the ones enumerated in section 82(4) and qua whom a proclamation has been published under section 82(1) would be a ‘Proclaimed Person’ and shall not be deemed to be a ‘ …

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What is PO in IPC?

Benefit Of Probation (PO Act) Is Not Excluded By Mandatory Minimum Sentences Prescribed For IPC Offences: Supreme Court. The Court observed that Section 4 of the Act could come to the aid of the accused as the offence committed, of which they have been found guilty, is not punishable with death or imprisonment for life …

What is CRPC 82?

(1) If any Court has reason to believe (whether after taking evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be executed, such Court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear at a specified place and at a …

What is summon case in CRPC?

Meaning of summons case: – Summons is a document that orders a person to whom it was sent to appear before the Court and answer the Magistrate on the complaint made against him. It is issued by the Magistrate under Section 204 (1) (a) of Code of criminal procedure code,1973.

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What is a Section 82 proceedings?

What is CrPc 82?

What is compounding of Offences under CrPc?

Compounding of Offences means to establish a compromise between two parties, where the complainant agrees to have the charges dropped against the accused.

What CrPc 174?

Section 174 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973. 174. Police to enquire and report on suicide, etc. (2) The report shall be signed by such police officer and other persons, or by so many of them as concur therein, and shall be forthwith forwarded to the District Magistrate or the Sub- divisional Magistrate.

What is Section 174 of CrPC?