
What is the meaning of to sit tight?

What is the meaning of to sit tight?

If you sit tight, you remain in the same place or situation and do not take any action, usually because you are waiting for something to happen.

Where does the saying Sit tight come from?

It will happen; just sit tight, do your job well and wait. Britain, 18th century. Probably an allusion to birds sitting quiet and still when threatened by a predator.

How do you use sit tight in a sentence?

The coach advised his team to sit tight and wait for the results to come in. I have not decided upon which course to take. I’ll sit tight till I get the results of the entrance test. I think you should just sit tight and not interfere while he gets this fixed.

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What does to hold ones horses mean?

used to tell someone to stop and consider carefully their decision or opinion about something: Just hold your horses, Bill! Let’s think about this for a moment.

Why is it called sweating bullets?

So to say “he’s sweating bullets” is to say, quite simply, “he is nervous as a man applying heat to bullets, which could make them explode in his hands.” Back in the 1800’s, ammunition for muskets was made by dropping molten lead off of a tower, called a “shot tower” .

What is the origin of the saying “to sit tight”?

This term is said to come from poker, where a player who does not want either to continue betting or to throw in his or her cards is said “to sit tight.” However, it may come from the much earlier locution, to sit close, which similarly alludes to sitting still with one’s knees close together, in effect in a waiting attitude.

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What does it mean to sit tight in a game?

To take no action; to bide one’s time. This term is said to come from poker, where a player who does not want either to betting or to throw in his or her cards is said “to sit tight.” However, it may come from the much earlier locution, to sit close, which similarly alludes to sitting still with one’s knees close together,…

What does it mean when someone is seated next to you?

There is a significant difference though, if “he was seated by someone “. That means he sat down there following someone’s direction. You could say: It means the usher guided you to these chairs and asked you to sit there. means the usher was sitting in another chair, next to yours. The person may be implied.

What is the difference between ‘was seated’ and ‘was sitting’?

Difference between “was seated” and “was sitting”. “Sitting” is dubiously “an activity”, so the distinction is pretty much non-existent, but if you’re splitting hair, seated is a passive form, used in context of state, as opposed to activity. There is no practical difference although you’d rather write about lazy,…