
What is the minimum number of edges in a connected graph with n vertices?

What is the minimum number of edges in a connected graph with n vertices?

The fewest edges a connected graph on n vertices has is n−1. No graph with n−2 edges is connected. Not all graphs with n−1 edges are connected. Not all graphs with n edges are connected.

What is the maximum and minimum number of edges in a simple graph with 10 vertices and 3 components?

What is the minimum and maximum number of edge of a simple graph with 10 vertices and 3 components? – Quora. The minimum number of edges in any simple connected graph is “n-1” for “n” vertices. But here you have 3 components then you need to divide it in 3 parts let it be |C1|=8, |C2|=1 and |C3|=1 these are the no.

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What is the maximum number of edges in a connected graph with n vertices?

In a directed graph having N vertices, each vertex can connect to N-1 other vertices in the graph(Assuming, no self loop). Hence, the total number of edges can be are N(N-1).

How many edges are in a connected graph?

The minimum number of edges for undirected connected graph is (n-1) edges. To see this, since the graph is connected then there must be a unique path from every vertex to every other vertex and removing any edge will make the graph disconnected.

How many edges must a connected graph have?

2 Answers. Yes.. The minimum number of edges for undirected connected graph is (n-1) edges. To see this, since the graph is connected then there must be a unique path from every vertex to every other vertex and removing any edge will make the graph disconnected.

How many edges does a connected graph have?

What is the minimum number of edges you must add to this graph to make it strongly connected?

Explanation: Adding a directed edge joining the pair of vertices {3, 1} makes the graph strongly connected. Hence, the minimum number of edges required is 1.

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What is the minimum possible number of edges in a directed graph?

Adding a directed edge joining the pair of vertices {3, 1} makes the graph strongly connected. Hence, the minimum number of edges required is 1.