
What is the most spoken language in the world 1990?

What is the most spoken language in the world 1990?

Top Languages Other than English Spoken in 1980 and Changes in Relative Rank, 1990-2010

1980 1990
Spoke a language other than English at home (1) 23,060,040 31,844,979
Spanish or Spanish Creole (2) 11,116,194 17,345,064
Chinese 630,806 1,319,462
French (2) 1,550,751 1,930,404

Which country has most languages in 1900?

The most Spoken Languages in the World – 1900/2100

  • United States (61)
  • Italy (19)

What is the most spoken language in the world 1999?

It’s probably no surprise that Chinese tops the ranking. Nearly 1.3 billion people speak a variation of Chinese as their first language. This aggregation includes more than 10 varieties; some that you’ve heard of, such as Mandarin, and others, such as Pu-Xian, that you might be unfamiliar with.

What is the most spoken language in the world 1980?

In 1980, the five most commonly spoken languages other than English were Spanish, Italian, German, French, and Polish. By 2010, Spanish was still the most widely spoken language after English but it was followed by Chinese, French, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

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What was the most spoken language in 2000?

After English and Spanish, Chinese was the language most commonly spoken at home (2.0 million speak- ers), followed by French (1.6 mil- lion speakers) and German (1.4 million speakers, see Figure 3).

Is Spanish more spoken than English?

According to the CIA, Spanish is spoken by 4.85 percent of the world’s population and its use is even more widespread than English, which is spoken by 4.83 percent.

How many people spoke English 1900?

275 million people
In first place was Mandarin with 476 million people and Spanish with 317 million. English in 1900 was only in third place with 275 million people speaking it.

What is the most spoken language in the world 2004?

#1 – Mandarin Chinese is definitely at the top, as the language with the most native speakers. Figures range between 850 million to 1.3 billion native speakers.