
What is the nurse licensure compact agreement?

What is the nurse licensure compact agreement?

The Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) is an agreement between states that allows nurses to have one license but the ability to practice in other states that are part of the agreement. You’ll be the first to know about nursing news, trending topics and educational resources.

What is the purpose of the Nurse Licensure Compact?

The general purposes of this Compact are to: 1. Facilitate the states’ responsibility to protect the public’s health and safety; 2. Ensure and encourage the cooperation of party states in the areas of nurse licensure and regulation; 3.

Is PA a compact state?

Nurses who practice in a compact state must meet 11 uniform licensure requirements, including state and federal criminal background checks. Act 68 makes Pennsylvania the 36th state to become a member of the Compact, joining neighboring states Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland and West Virginia.

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Is PA a compact state for nurses?

Pennsylvania is the 37th jurisdiction to have enacted the NLC. The compact allows registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs) to have one multistate license, with the ability to practice in person or via telehealth, in both the primary state of residence and other NLC jurisdictions.

Why was the NLC created?

According to Gorman, the original NLC was created in 2000 to address nursing shortages and allow more nurses to practice telehealth. Last month, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing unveiled a new version of its enhanced NLC agreement that mandates such background checks.

Is PA an NLC state?

Gov. Tom Wolf signed the NLC into law in the state of Pennsylvania on July 1, 2021. Pennsylvania is the 37th jurisdiction to have enacted the NLC.

How much does a PA nursing license cost?

RN biennial renewal fees increase from $65 to $122. LPN biennial renewal fees increase from $60 to $76. CRNP biennial renewal fees increase from $75 to $81.

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Who is the leader of NLC?

Aliyu Wabba
Nigeria Labour Congress/Presidents

Did Pennsylvania become a compact state?