
What is the opposite of tack in sailing?

What is the opposite of tack in sailing?

Jibing – The opposite of tacking, this basic sailing maneuver refers to turning the stern of the boat through the wind so that the wind changes from one side of the boat to the other side. Jibing is a less common technique than tacking, since it involves turning a boat directly into the wind.

What name is given to lines on a chart joining locations sharing the same tidal range?

co-amplitude lines
Lines on a tidal chart joining points which have the same tidal range or amplitude; also called co-amplitude lines.

What is a jig in sailing?

A jib is a triangular sail that sets ahead of the foremast of a sailing vessel. Its tack is fixed to the bowsprit, to the bows, or to the deck between the bowsprit and the foremost mast. Jibs and spinnakers are the two main types of headsails on a modern boat.

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What is ship terminology?

The front of a boat is called the “bow,” and the back is the “stern.” “Starboard” refers to what is the right side of the boat if you’re facing the bow; “port” refers to what is the left side if you’re facing the bow. (To remember this, note that “port” and “left” each have four letters.)

What is a sailing ship ladder called?

The term Jacob’s ladder, used on a ship, applies to two kinds of rope ladders. It consists of vertical ropes or chains supporting horizontal, historically round and wooden, rungs. Today, flat runged flexible ladders are also called Jacob’s ladders. The name is commonly used without the apostrophe (Jacobs ladder).

What is the difference between a tack and a jibe?

Tacking is how you head upwind, pointing as high into the wind as possible, to keep the sails full. A jibe is conducted when you are heading downwind. Both involve the processes of turning the boat to change course when the current direction of travel is no longer possible or safe.

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What is jibing and tacking?

Tacking is when the bow (front of the boat) passes across the wind. Jibing is when the stern (back of the boat) through the eye of the wind.

What are neap tides?

A neap tide—seven days after a spring tide—refers to a period of moderate tides when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. During full or new moons—which occur when the Earth, sun, and moon are nearly in alignment—average tidal ranges are slightly larger. This occurs twice each month.

What is jib and jigger?

In the book they usually refer to “jib and jigger” as they are coming in and out of an anchorage or when the winds pipes up.

What are sheets in sailing?

In sailing, a sheet is a line (rope, cable or chain) used to control the movable corner(s) (clews) of a sail.