
What is the other name for old age home?

What is the other name for old age home?

What is another word for old-age home?

rest home assisted living facility
care home continuing care
convalescent home convalescent hospital
nursing home old folks’ home
old people’s home old soldiers’ home

What are old age homes in English?

An old people’s home is a place where old people live and are cared for when they are too old to look after themselves.

What is an old age home answer?

An old age home is a shelter house where the people of older age dwell together with other older people when they have been abandoned by their family members or voluntarily admitted to it to combat loneliness during this crucial stage of life.

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What is an old age home short answer?

A old age home is also known as retirement home. It is a place for old people who has no one to look after them and those who have been thrown out of their home by their children. The place is offcourse like home where many facilities like food, shelter, care, medicine, clothing are provided.

What is the minimum age for old age home?

Age limit: Unlike in an ordinary project, here only people above the age of 55 years can reside. If your spouse is below the age of 55 years, she can live in the retirement home as well. If you have kids, they can visit you. Though there is a limitation on visiting days of around 60-90 days.

What do you call a nursing home?

Nursing homes, also called skilled nursing facilities, provide a wide range of health and personal care services. Their services focus on medical care more than most assisted living facilities.

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What is the science of aging called?

Gerontology is the study of the physical aspects of aging, as well as the mental, social and societal implications of aging. Gerontology can be a rewarding field, allowing you to practice a range of skills to improve the health of older adults.