
What is the position of Hindi language in the world?

What is the position of Hindi language in the world?

3rd most
Hindi is the 3rd most spoken language of the world in 2019 with 615 million speakers. The 22nd edition of the world language database Ethnologue stated English at the top of the list with 1,132 million speakers. Chinese Mandarin is at the second position with 1,117 million speakers.

Is Hindi the most scientific language?

Whereas pragmatics studies the ways in which language use contributes to its meaning. Many languages which are spoken in India emerges from Hindi like Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi etc. Devnagari- the source of Hindi script is considered as the world’s most natural & scientific script.

Is Hindi a global language?

As a linguistic variety, Hindi is the fourth most-spoken first language in the world, after Mandarin, Spanish and English. Hindi alongside Urdu as Hindustani is the third most-spoken language in the world, after Mandarin and English….

Region Northern, Eastern, Western and Central India (Hindi Belt)
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Is Hindi a good language?

HINDI is one of the largest spoken languages in the world ranked at No. 4. A language with a foundation from SANSKRIT is very rich in vocabulary and extraordinary variations. At Least for any INDIAN it is not only the NATIONAL LANGUAGE but an essential language to master.

Is Hindi a scientific language?

Hindi is very easy to learn as it`s a scientific language. It is a language of masses and is spoken by approximately 50\% of the population. Hindi is an official language of 11 states in India. It is also among the most spoken languages in the world.

Why Sanskrit is a scientific language?

“The scientists at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have acknowledged that Sanskrit is the most scientific language in which the words are written exactly in the manner they are spoken or thought of. “Sanskrit is the oldest language as the ‘Vedas’ and ‘Puranas’ were written in the language.