
What is the probability of getting a shiny Pokemon?

What is the probability of getting a shiny Pokemon?

The chance of seeing a shiny Pokémon is 1 in every 8192, or a probability of 0.01220703125\% during each encounter.

How do you increase shiny Pokemon encounter rate?

Your chances of finding a shiny increase incrementally when you’ve fought the same Pokémon 1, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, or 500 times total. That means that the best way to increase your chances is by having fought the same Pokémon 500 times during your game.

What are the odds of a random encounter shiny?

The odds of a random encounter being shiny will go from 1/4096 to 1/1365.

What is the shiny rate in Pokemon Platinum?

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The base chances for encountering or hatching a shiny Pokemon are 1/256 ( ≈ 0.39\%) , while the base chances for platinum Pokemon are 1/1500 ( ≈ 0.06\% ), making platinum Pokemon around 6x rarer than shiny Pokemon.

Does breeding a shiny Pokémon increase chances?

@qwertyk31 Breeding shinies together does not increase your chance of getting a shiny kid. About the Masuda method, both parents must come from a game with different language.

What is the easiest way to get a shiny Pokemon?

Shinies are found by simply trying to catch Pokémon and seeing if they display as an alternate colour in the battle and post-battle screens. They won’t appear as a different colour in the field, so you have to attempt to catch them first.

How long on average does it take to find a shiny?

If you’re using Sweet Scent, I’ve found that it takes about 27 seconds to do an encounter and run away. Because the odds are also the average Pokémon required to get a shiny, it takes about 8192 Pokémon on average to get a shiny.

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Is it possible to never find a shiny?

Shiny Pokemon have a 1/8192 chance to appear under normal conditions (this was increased to 1/4096 in X&Y onwards). Therefore, they are extremely rare.

What is the easiest way to get a shiny Pokemon in platinum?

For hatching shinies, use the Masuda Method. You take two Pokemon of games with different languages and breed them together. This drastically raises the chances for getting a shiny, as instead of the usual 1/8192 chance, there’s a 1/2048 chance. Hope I helped!

Is giratina shiny locked in platinum?

Starting in Pokemon Black and White, the developers started instituting locks where Pokemon could be caught in the wild, but prevented from being shiny. Because shiny locks didn’t exist until Gen 5, it is entirely possible to receive a shiny Giratina, whether you’re playing Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.