
What is the purpose of a dry run?

What is the purpose of a dry run?

Dry runs help you identify trouble spots, discover sections you may not fully understand, and get a better understanding of how everything fits together. It’s also a good way to find out if you don’t fully understand how an activity is supposed to be conducted or how the virtual tools function.

How do you show a dry run?

Dry running a program involves the programmer working through a program on paper, usually using a table called a ‘trace table’….Look at the following pseudo code:

  1. TOTAL=0.
  2. REPEAT.
  3. BEGIN.
  7. END.
  8. UNTIL (TOTAL > 1000)

What is dry run in data migration?

During a dry run the application creates placeholder windows user accounts in the target for each source mailbox user selected in the migration batch. For each placeholder a mailbox is created and the data and attributes for the source mailbox will be migrated.

Which is better Flyway or Liquibase?

Liquibase seems to have everything Flyway has and more flexibility when it comes to rollbacks. The main advantage of just Flyway seems to be not having to use XML, but Liquibase allows you to specify an SQL file in their XML.

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What is Dry Run in database?

When doing a Dry Run, Flyway sets up a read-only connection to the database. It assesses what migrations need to run and generates a single SQL file containing all statements it would have executed in case of a regular migration run. This SQL file can then be reviewed.

What should I test after database migration?

Testing tips:

  1. Always take the most important dataset and data that have values in all columns.
  2. Verify the data types after the migration.
  3. Check the different time formats/zones, currencies etc.
  4. Check for data with special characters.
  5. Find data that should not be migrated.
  6. Check for duplicated data after migration.