
What is the purpose of OSI?

What is the purpose of OSI?

The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.

How was OSI model developed?

OSI model was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1984, and it is now considered as an architectural model for the inter-computer communications. OSI model divides the whole task into seven smaller and manageable tasks. Each layer is assigned a particular task.

Why was the OSI developed Mcq?

Layer 2 lies between the physical layer and the _______ layer….Online Test.

43. Why was the OSI model developed?
b. The rate of data transfer was increasing exponentially
c. Standards were needed to allow any two systems to communicate
d. None of the above
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When was the OSI developed?

Established in 1983 by the International Organization for Standardization, the OSI model divides network protocols (standardized procedures for exchanging information) into seven functional “layers.” This communications architecture enables end users employing different operating systems or working in different …

Why was the OSI model introduced first but wasn’t implemented?

OSI model couldn’t compete with TCP/IP model, and failed in getting wider acceptance. One of the main reasons behind the failure of OSI model and wider acceptance of TCP/IP model was because big global networks like internet started running on TCP/IP protocol suite.

Why was the OSI model developed Mcq?

The OSI model consists of _______ layers….Online Test.

43. Why was the OSI model developed?
b. The rate of data transfer was increasing exponentially
c. Standards were needed to allow any two systems to communicate
d. None of the above

What is the function of transport layer in OSI model?

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Layer 4 of the OSI Model: Transport Layer provides transparent transfer of data between end users, providing reliable data transfer services to the upper layers. The transport layer controls the reliability of a given link through flow control, segmentation and desegmentation, and error control.

What is the main function of the transport layer Mcq?

The transport layer is responsible for segmentation of the data. It uses ports for the implementation of process-to-process delivery.