
What is the radius of a circumference of 72?

What is the radius of a circumference of 72?

==> r = 72/2 = 36. Then, the radius of the circle is 36 units.

How do you find the radius of a circle from the circumference?

To find the radius from the circumference of a circle, you have to do the following:

  1. Divide the circumference by π, or 3.14 for an estimation. The result is the circle’s diameter.
  2. Divide the diameter by 2.
  3. There you go, you found the circle’s radius.

What is the radius of a circle if the circumference is 64 pi?

The radius of the circle is 8 .

What is the circumference of a 72 diameter table?

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about 226 inches
The circumference of a 72-inch table is about 226 inches. In general, to sit comfortably most people need about 24 inches of table space.

What is the circumference in terms of pi?

The circumference of circle in terms of pi is 2 π r, where r is the radius of the circle.

How to find the radius from the circumference of a circle?

To find the radius from the circumference of a circle, you have to do the following: Divide the circumference by π, or 3.14 for an estimation. The result is the circle’s diameter. Divide the diameter by 2. There you go, you found the circle’s radius.

How to find the value of Pi from circumference and diameter?

Therefore, when you divide the circumference by the diameter for any circle, you obtain a value close enough to π. This relationship can be explained by the formula mentioned below. Where C indicates circumference and d indicates diameter. A different way to put up this formula is C = π × d.

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What is the proportion between radius and diameter?

Circumference to diameter. You have probably noticed that, since diameter is twice the radius, the proportion between the circumference and the diameter is equal to π: C/D = 2πR / 2R = π. This proportion (circumference to diameter) is the definition of the constant pi. It is used in many areas, such as physics and mathematics.

What is the formula to find the area of a circle?

The formula to find the area of the circle is; A = πr2 Where r is the radius of the circle, this formula is applicable to all the circles with different radii.