
What is the role of auxiliary SCR in commutation?

What is the role of auxiliary SCR in commutation?

Class D Commutation This is also called as auxiliary commutation because it uses an auxiliary SCR to switch the charged capacitor. In this, the main SCR is commutated by the auxiliary SCR. The main SCR with load resistance forms the power circuit while the diode D, inductor L and SCR2 forms the commutation circuit.

What is the purpose of an inductor in a circuit?

An inductor has the functions of developing electromotive force in the direction that reduces fluctuation when a fluctuating current flows and storing electric energy as magnetic energy.

What is auxiliary commutation?

An auxiliary commutation circuit to compensate for transient type overload conditions of an inverter comprises a pair of oppositely charged capacitors controlled by separate switches, each operable at a particular time during the conduction cycle of the main thyristors to provide additional stored energy for …

What is commutation What are the different commutation techniques used to turn off the SCR?

The forced commutation can be classified into different methods as follows: Class A: Self commutated by a resonating load. Class B: Self commutated by an LC circuit. Class C: Cor L-C switched by another load-carrying SCR.

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What is meant by commutation What are the types of commutation?

Commutation is defined as the process of turning-off a thyristos. – Turn-off of a thyristor means, bringing the device. from forward-conduction mode to forwarda blocking mode. – Turn-off process of thyristor requires. @ Anode current to be reduced below holding current.

What are inductors used in?

Inductors are primarily used in electrical power and electronic devices for these major purposes:

  • Choking, blocking, attenuating, or filtering/smoothing high frequency noise in electrical circuits.
  • Storing and transferring energy in power converters (dc-dc or ac-dc)