
What is the rule of pass?

What is the rule of pass?

Pass Rules | The Railway Servants Pass Rules, 1986

Pass Rules No. Description
Pass Rule No.13 Loss/ Misuse/ Fraudulent Use Of Pass/PTOs
Pass Rule No.14 Powers Of General Manager To Condone Irregularities
Pass Rule No.15 Income Tax On Monetary Value Of Passes / PTOs
Pass Rule No.16 Status Of Pass Manuals etc

Is Railway privilege pass allowed in special train?

Privilege Passes/Privilege Ticket Order(PTOs) are issued to the Railway Servants in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution to travel by trains. Privilege Pass/ PTO holders were permitted to travel in these COVID-19 Specials.

Which highest category of pass is admissible to non gazetted railway employees?

Privilege Pass
Entitlements of Passes/PTOs

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Category Privilege Pass & PTO
Non-Gazetted employees
GP Rs.4200/- and above Ist Class Pass
GP Rs.2800/- IInd Class ‘A’ Pass*
In GPRs.1900/- and above but below Rs.2,800/- One IInd Class ‘A’ Pass* in a year, remaining passes and PTOs of Second/Sleeper Class.

What is Second Class A pass?

2nd Class ‘A’ (yellow color) entitles the holder to: (ii) 2nd Class pass only, with the additional facility to travel in 3-AC, in trains other than Rajdhani/ Shatabdi expresses. (iii) Their entitlement in Jan Shatabdi trains shall be the same as that of 2nd Class Pass holders.

What is a privilege pass?

(1) Privilege passes/PTO are admissible to the Railway employee for self, family including adopted child and dependent relatives as defined in Rule 2 whether accompanied by the Railway servant or not. This facility is granted on production of a certificate from Divisional Medical Officer of the Railway concerned.

Can we cancel ticket on pass?

All the privilege/duty pass/PTOs/complimentary pass train tickets may be allowed to be cancelled through the IRCTC website. Once the passenger avails full cancellation of PNR of the train tickets via IRCTC website, the PNR will be marked as cancelled but not refunded in the system.

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What is 2nd Class A pass?

Is railway pass allowed in Vande Bharat Express?

It has been proposed to run the new fully air-conditioned Train-18 (Vande Bharat Express) over Indian Railways with higher speed, comfort and facilities. 2.0. Fare structure: Railway passes like Privilege/Complimentary/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes or PTOs shall be permissible in this train.

What is Cheque pass in railway?


Kind of Pass to which entitled
2. a) ‘Card Pass’ for the same class to which the railway servant is entitled on privilege provided his duties require frequent journey. (i) ‘Cheque Pass’ for the same class to which the railway servant is titled on privilege account