
What is the term for a set of related languages that have descended from the same parent language over a period of hundreds or thousands of years?

What is the term for a set of related languages that have descended from the same parent language over a period of hundreds or thousands of years?

what is the term for a set of related languages that have descended from the same parent language over a period of hundreds or thousands of years? daughter languages.

Why do words change in other languages?

Generation by generation, pronunciations evolve, new words are borrowed or invented, the meaning of old words drifts, and morphology develops or decays. The rate of change varies, but whether the changes are faster or slower, they build up until the “mother tongue” becomes arbitrarily distant and different.

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How is language a barrier to communication?

Language barriers are the most common communication barriers which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people. Not using the words that other person understands makes the communication ineffective and prevents message from being conveyed.

Why is language standardization important?

Standardization, it is argued, is necessary in order to facilitate communications, to make possible the establishment of an agreed orthography, and to provide a uniform form for school books.

What statement best describes what may happen to the global diversity of languages?

What statements BEST describes what will happen to the global diversity of languages within the next century? A slight decrease in the number of languages due to a few incidents of convergence.

How do call systems differ from human language?

Other primates communicate through what’s called call systems. So, this is a closed system of communication—the primate can’t create new “words” by putting together some existing “words.” In contrast, human language is an open system of communication, which means we can create new messages out of existing sounds.

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How did languages evolve?

One widely held theory is that language came about as an evolutionary adaptation, which is when a population undergoes a change in process over time to better survive. Being able to communicate using language gave the human species a distinct survival advantage.

How is accent a barrier to communication?

Accents reflect the unique characteristics and background of a person. Many people take great pride in their accents. However, some people may have difficulty communicating because of their accent. It may also negatively affect your self-esteem if you are having trouble communicating because of an accent.