
What is TSP exam?

What is TSP exam?

The Transitional Safety Practitioner (TSP) is a designation available to individuals who complete a program which meets BCSP Qualified Equivalent Program (QEP) standards. The TSP program is an alternate path to the Certified Safety Professional® (CSP®) and does not replace other paths.

What is TSP category in Rajasthan?

Jaipur: The Rajasthan government has reissued a notification for Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) areas, reserving 45\% jobs for Scheduled Tribe (ST) and 5\% for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates in all direct recruitment, except the State Services.

What is TSP category?

The Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) is a planning concept used in India to channelize the flow of benefits from the Central government for the development of tribal populations in the states. Areas included in the Tribal Sub-Plan are blocks or tehsils with 50 percent or more tribal population.

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What is TSP in Rajasthan PSC?

Brief Information: Rajasthan Public Service Commission has given a notification for the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (TSP) Exam 2018. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

How do I get a TSP certificate?

To apply for a domicile certificate, an individual should possess the following documents:

  1. Affidavit.
  2. Copy of the Ration Card.
  3. Copy of Voter’s ID or Electoral Roll.
  4. Aadhar Card.
  5. Copy of educational qualification.
  6. Copy of Birth Certificate.
  7. Property or rent receipt.
  8. Certificate issued by two competent officers.

How do you become a RAS?

RPSC RAS Eligibility

  1. Candidates should obtain a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.
  2. Candidates should be minimum of 21 years and maximum of 40 years as of January 1, 2022. For non-gazetted employees, the minimum age limit is 25 years and the maximum age limit is 45 years as on January 1, 2022.
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How can I get TSP certificate in Rajasthan?

Who can apply under TSP?

The applicant must have passed their last final board/university examination with LESS THAN 50\% MARKS. Students securing more than 50\% marks in the last examination are not eligible. The distance mode of education is not eligible. A maximum of two students from each family is eligible to apply.

What is the salary of RAS?

RPSC RAS Salary 2021

Pay Scale Level Approximate Salary
Rs. 15600 to 39100 with Grade Pay 5400 14 Rs. 61000-66000
Rs. 9300 to 34800 with Grade Pay 4800 12 Rs. 40000-45500
Rs. 9300 to 34800 with GP 4200 11 Rs. 35500-42500
Rs. 9300 to 34800 with GP 3600 10 Rs. 33500-38500

Who is RAS officer?

Rajasthan Administrative Service, popularly known as RAS, is a state civil service of state Rajasthan along with Rajasthan Accounts Service, Rajasthan Police Service and other services. The officers are included in the state cadre of civil service officers.

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What is the full form of TSP in computer?

TSP stands for “Time Series Processor”, although it is also commonly used with cross section and panel data.