
What is VALORANT PBE for?

What is VALORANT PBE for?

Valorant PBE, short for Public Beta Environment, is a testing sandbox for new features, agents, and bug fixes that are being developed for Valorant. Players can become a part of this program to help Riot better the game. The developer has been keen on ensuring the best FPS experience for its players.

How do you get on VALORANT PBE?

To apply to join the PBE, head over to Riot’s sign-up page. Once you enter your VALORANT account name, you should receive a response in your email’s inbox with more instructions on how to download and what to do next.

What is Riot PBE?

The Public Beta Environment (or PBE) is a “test-centric” server on which upcoming patches are available for public testing, this allows Riot Games to fix any bugs before the patch is released to the rest of the world. Players can report bugs at any moment.

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Can you play competitive on VALORANT PBE?

On the PBE, approved VALORANT players will be able to test parts of early builds for upcoming patches. “This includes Agent and weapon balance, game systems, competitive, and the other updates that are usually captured in our Patch Notes. “Emphasis here on IDENTIFYING BUGS.

How can I play Valorant for free?

How to download Valorant on PC/ laptop for free

  1. Go to Riot’s official Valorant game website.
  2. Click on the ‘Play Free’ button.
  3. Login using Riot Games account, or create a new account if you don’t have one.
  4. The page will redirect you to download the Valorant installer.

How do I use PBE?

League of Legends PBE: How to download and play

  1. Step 1: Go to the PBE signup page. Riot Games has a special website that allows players to sign up for a PBE account.
  2. Step 2: Download the PBE client. After a player has an account, they will need to download the PBE client.
  3. Step 3: Patch the client and then enjoy.
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How many MB is Valorant?

Size taken up by Valorant on PC To download Valorant, players have to initially download Riot Game Client via the setup file provided on the game website. The entire Riot Game Client will take up a download size of 179 megabytes.