
What kind of things can become objects in OOP C++?

What kind of things can become objects in OOP C++?

Answer: A building is an object, while it’s blue print (definition/plan) is a class. So, anything that has a definition, can be instantiated and hence, can become an object from a programming perspective (except of course, abstract definitions, like interfaces or abstract classes in Java, which need further expansion).

What can be an object in OOP?

An object, in object-oriented programming (OOP), is an abstract data type created by a developer. It can include multiple properties and methods and may even contain other objects. In most programming languages, objects are defined as classes. A simple example of an object may be a user account created for a website.

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What are objects How are they created?

An object is created based on its class. You can consider a class as a blueprint, template, or a description how to create an object. When an object is created, memory is allocated to hold the object properties. An object reference pointing to that memory location is also created.

What are the examples of object?

An object can be a single-word noun (e.g., dog, goldfish, man), a pronoun (e.g., her, it, him), a noun phrase (e.g., the doggy in window, to eat our goldfish, a man about town), or a noun clause (e.g., what the dog saw, how the goldfish survived, why man triumphed). Read more about direct objects.

What are the real life examples of Oops?

For Example: A car is having multiple parts.. like steering,wheels,engine…etc..which binds together to form a single object that is car. So, Here multiple parts of cars encapsulates itself together to form a single object that is Car.

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What are the concepts of OOPS explain them with real life examples?

OOPS Concept with Real-world example

  • Object – Instance of class.
  • Class – Blue print of Object.
  • encapsulation – Protecting our data.
  • polymorphism – Different behaviors at diff. instances.
  • abstraction – Hidding our irrelavance data.
  • inheritence – one property of object is aquring to another property of object.