
What languages have subjunctive mood?

What languages have subjunctive mood?

The subjunctive mood retains a highly distinct form for nearly all verbs in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian (among other Latin languages), and for a number of verbs in French.

Does Russian have subjunctive mood?

In Russian language, along with verbs of indicative mood there are also verbs of subjunctive and imperative mood. Verbs of subjunctive mood designate actions which one wants to happen, or just possible ones, under certain circumstances.

Does Polish have a subjunctive?

By is usually called a mood particle because it is a hallmark of the so-called conditional mood in many Slavic languages. When immediately after a complementizer it is assumed to introduce the subjunctive mood, while in conditional it is less restricted (cf. 1 & 2). (1) a) proi chce, żeby pro*i/j to zrobił.

Does Czech have subjunctive?

As far as I know, no Slavic language has a real direct subjunctive. The subjunctive function is usually taken over by the conditional, which is a sub-category to the subjunctive.

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What language has no subjunctive?

The only problem is that English does not really have a subjunctive, in the same sense that French, Armenian, or Russian do. Subjunctive mood is usually defined as a set of distinct verbal forms with a certain type of meaning prototypically used in subordinate clauses.

Does Hebrew have subjunctive?

There is no subjunctive case in Hebrew. Most actions that would be marked as subjunctive in Romance languages (actions that are desired, requested, etc…) are expressed using “שֶֹׁ + עתיד” (she [that] + future).

Does Russian have moods?

The mood is one of a set of distinctive verb forms that are used to express modality. There are 3 moods in Russian: the Indicative, Subjunctive and Imperative.

How many tenses are in Russian?

three verb tenses
There are three verb tenses in the Russian language: present, past, and future.

Does German have a subjunctive?

In German, subjunctive forms are used much more frequently than in English, to express uncertainty, speculation or doubt. Subjunctive forms are commonly used in indirect speech and in conditional sentences. The present subjunctive of weak, strong and mixed verbs have the same endings.

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Does Latin have subjunctive mood?

Latin verbs can state facts, give commands and express doubt The Latin language uses three moods by changing the form of the infinitive: indicative, imperative, and subjunctive. The subjunctive mood is for uncertainty, often expressing as a wish, desire, doubt or hope as in: “I wish I were sleepy.”

How many moods does Russian have?

3 moods
There are 3 moods in Russian: the Indicative, Subjunctive and Imperative.