
What level should I be for PvP?

What level should I be for PvP?

Optimal PvP matchmaking therefore would be anywhere between soul levels 120 through 150, with soul levels 130 through 140 being the most optimal.

What is Max soul level in demon souls?

The highest level for any single stat is 99, making the highest possible Soul Level 712, with all individual stats at 99. The maximum is far beyond what’s needed to complete three-and-a-half playthroughs and earn the Platinum trophy, and few players will reach Soul Level 712 through normal farming.

What is Max SL ds3?

The maximum Soul Level is 802, where each attribute is at their maximum value of 99 points. Visit the Build Calculator page for soul leveling calculations.

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Is washing pole good for PvP ds3?

Just created a build with the washing pole and I must say that it makes PvP matches indredibly easy to win (so much that it gets boring). The range is ridiculous and the damage is great on a quality build.

What level do you have to be to invade ds3?

Recommended Level and Upgrade for Invasions

Area Level Upgrade
Farron Keep 35-45 +2 to +4
Cathedral of the Deep 35-45 +2 to +4
Catacombs of Carthus 35-45 +4
Smouldering Lake 45-60 +6

How do I get the blueblood sword?

Blueblood Sword is a Boss Soul Weapon that can be created using the Pureblood Demon’s Soul obtained by defeating Maiden Astraea. It can be created by trading the Boss Soul and a Broken Sword to Blacksmith Ed, assuming you have given him the Searing Demon’s Soul.

How do you get the chaos blade in ds3?

Location/Where to Find It is located at the top of the path to the left of the dark Firelink Shrine ahead of the Champion Gundyr/Untended Graves bonfire (it parallels the place where you fought the Sword Master with the Uchigatana in Cemetery of Ash).