
What medical certificate is needed for renewal of driving Licence?

What medical certificate is needed for renewal of driving Licence?

(1) A medical certificate issued by any licensed and practicing physician is part of the renewal requirements. The medical certificate will be valid within fifteen days from the date issued.

How do I get a medical certificate 1a?

There is Two way for issue medical certificate first, You obtain a form 1a from the vendor sitting outside RTO or Nearby RTO Office. Go to the office of the CMO(Chief Medical Officer), the chief medical officer by govt. Doctor. Second, Go to the enquiry counter of any Govt Hospital.

How much is a medical certificate in the Philippines?

Price of Medical Certificate If you already have a doctor, the price may range from Php 100 to Php 250 or more depending on your arrangement. However, hospitals may also provide the generic medical certificate and may cost you from Php 50 to Php 100 and above, plus the doc stamp in government hospitals.

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How can I renew my driver’s license online Philippines?


  1. Register through the LTMS portal:
  2. Click on the confirmation link you’ll receive via email within 24 hours.
  3. Fill out your personal datasheet.
  4. On the dashboard, click Licensing.
  5. Read the Terms of Use, then click Accept.

How much is medical certificate for license?

We have listed the accredited medical clinics in Metro Manila which you can find below. As for the pricing, the LTO medical certificate fee usually costs around Php 500.

How do you fill out a medical certificate?

Medical Certificate Contents

  1. Name and address of the patient.
  2. Name and address of the doctor/ medical practitioner.
  3. The exact period of leave/time off that is medically justifiable.
  4. Nature/ degree of incapacitation/ injury/ illness.
  5. Date of medical diagnosis and the date of issue of the certificate.

Does Barangay give medical certificate?

Health Clearance or Medical Certificate Go to your Barangay Health Center. The health certification from the Barangay Hall or Health Center is a requirement.

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Where can I get a travel medical certificate?

You can get your medical clearance certificate at the health office of your local government unit, while travel permits may be procured from their local police chiefs and station commanders.

How do I renew my driving Licence in 2021 Philippines?

Driver’s License Renewal Requirements.

  1. Fully accomplished Application Form for Driver’s License (ADL)
  2. Original driver’s license (Non-Professional or Professional).
  3. Original and photocopy of any government-issued ID with photo and signature of the applicant.
  4. Taxpayer’s Identification Number or TIN, if you’re employed.