
What Minecraft villager gives the most emeralds?

What Minecraft villager gives the most emeralds?

What is the best villager to get emeralds from?

  • Novice Weaponsmith: Default Novice trades.
  • Apprentice Toolsmith: 15 Coal for 1 Emerald, 1 Emerald for Stone Axe + Default Apprentice trades.
  • Novice Farmer: 20 Wheat for 1 Emerald, 1 Emerald for 6 Bread.
  • Novice Armorer: 15 Coal for 1 Emerald, 5 Emeralds for Iron Helmet.

What type of villager sells emeralds?

Master-level Toolsmith villagers will buy Emeralds in exchange for a Diamond Pickaxe! Specifically, they will buy around 18-32 Emerald, and this price can increase or decrease depending on the quality of the enchantments.

What is the best way to get emeralds in Minecraft from villagers?

Don’t overlook raid farms as a great way to get lots of emeralds and also the Hero of the Village effect. Save up your trade goods until you have this effect, and then get many more emeralds per trade, as well as free gifts from your villagers and discounts on the books and things you really want!

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What is the easiest trade to get emeralds in Minecraft?

1) Sticks for emeralds By converting a villager into a fletcher using a fletching table, players can trade sticks with it for emeralds. Sticks are one of the easiest to get items in the game. Players can craft them using planks of any type or get them by chopping trees.

How do you trade for 1000 emeralds?

At the world selection menu, go to the option menu (with the pencil) on the right of Coastal Village save name then select Copy World at the very bottom of the screen (on the right). Select and launch Copy of Coastal Village save and keep doing so until you reach 1000 emeralds and unlock the achievement.

What Block does a Fletcher need?

fletching table
A fletching table is a fletcher’s job site block that can generate naturally in villages. The fletching table is used to turn an unemployed villager into a Fletcher.

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How do you get Emerald fast?

A few of the best trades for obtaining emeralds are coal, crops, and other easily attainable items. Often these trades only require about 20 of a certain item for one emerald. These trades are especially lucrative for players with an abundance of easily attainable items like coal and crops.

What is the best farmer villager trades?

#3 – Farmer Farmers are an excellent source of emeralds in Minecraft. They accept all types of crop trades, such as wheat, carrot, beetroot, carrot, pumpkin, and melons. Players can earn emeralds from villagers without leveling them up. They unlock better trades early at the apprentice and journeyman level.

How do you make a Fletcher villager in Minecraft?

If a village has a fletching table but no fletcher, any nearby villager without a profession (not a nitwit or baby villager) has a chance to become a fletcher. Fletching tables can also be used as fuel for smelting in furnaces, blast furnaces, and smokers.

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What do villagers trade for emeralds?

Probably the easiest way to trade for emeralds is to take advantage of the farms located in villages and make some deals with the local farmers. Farmers, who will spawn when there is a composter nearby, will immediately offer the player emeralds in exchange for a good amount of wheat, potatoes, carrots, or beetroots.