
What name is given to India parliament library?

What name is given to India parliament library?

Parliament Museum

संसदीय संग्रहालय
Logo of the Parliament Museum
Type Heritage
Visitors 1,74,003 as on 28 February 2013
Owner Government of India

Who designed parliament library?

Raj Rewal

Raj Rewal
Born 24 Nov 1934 Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India
Nationality Indian
Occupation Architect
Buildings Hall of Nations, Asiad Village, Parliament Library, State Trading Corporation Building, New Delhi

How many books are there in Parliament Library of India?

With its present holdings of about 1.27 million volumes comprising books, reports, Governmental publications, United Nations publications, debates, gazettes and other documents and as many as 85 Indian and foreign newspapers and 463 periodicals in Hindi, English and other Indian regional languages being acquired …

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What is inside the Library of Parliament?

Inside, the Library’s white pine panelling contains carvings of thousands of flowers, masks and mythical beasts. Its galleries display the coats of arms of Canada and the 7 provinces existing in 1876. In the centre of the room stands a white marble statue of a young Queen Victoria, sculpted by Marshall Wood in 1871.

Who uses the Library of Parliament?

The Library of Parliament (French: Bibliothèque du Parlement) is the main information repository and research resource for the Parliament of Canada.

How was the Library of Parliament saved?

It is thanks in large part to the first Parliamentary Librarian, Alpheus Todd, that the Library was preserved from the fire that destroyed Canada’s main parliament building on February 3, 1916. He suggested to the building’s architects that a hallway and fireproof iron doors separate the Library from Centre Block.

Who is the father of library in India?

Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan
Ranganathan. S.R. Ranganathan, in full Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan, (born August 9, 1892, Shiyali, Madras, India—died September 27, 1972, Bangalore, Mysore), Indian librarian and educator who was considered the father of library science in India and whose contributions had worldwide influence.

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How was the library of Parliament saved?