
What order should I do mystic messenger routes?

What order should I do mystic messenger routes?

If you want to see every ending, it’s really worthwhile playing Mystic Messenger in narrative sequence. Start in Casual and play through Zen first, followed by Yoosung and finally Jaehee, then switch to Deep story and play through Jumin before finishing up with 707.

Can you end up with Zen mystic messenger?

To get a good ending for Zen, you need to have at least gotten ten RSVPs to the party. If you have less than ten RSVPs then you will only get Zen’s normal ending.

Should I tell Jaehee I have feelings for Zen?

Jaehee will occasionally step in and express her concerns about your relationship with Zen, but you should tell her that you understand her point of view without being dismissive of her. Lastly, remember to bite his hand when the opportunity arises to unlock his good ending.

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Do I have to restart mystic messenger?

You don’t. It resets the route, so if you were on day 7 of Jaehee’s route, you would be sent back to the mode selection screen – keeping all your cultimated hearts and HGs.

What is Zens real name Mystic Messenger?

Hyun Ryu
Zen (stylized as ZEN) is the stage name of Hyun Ryu (류현, Ryu Hyeon), a 24-year-old musical stage artist.

What is Zens last name?

Zen (real name Hyun Ryu) is one of the main characters available through the Casual Story in Mystic Messenger.

Does Jaehee get mad if I date Zen?

Well, it really depends on where you are in the game. If you’re on Days 1-4, flirting with Zen won’t do anything against Jaehee, but you run the risk of ending up on Zen’s route instead of Jaehee’s (assuming that was your intention).

What happen if I start over mystic messenger?

It basically just deletes your progress on the game your currently playing. For example, say you were in the middle of Zen’s route, but for some reason you don’t want to finish it and you just want to start over, if you press the start over button, it will just delete the progress you made on Zen’s route.