
What percent of the stratosphere is ozone?

What percent of the stratosphere is ozone?

Most ozone (about 90\%) is found in the stratosphere, which begins about 10–16 kilometers (6–10 miles) above Earth’s surface and extends up to about 50 kilo- meters (31 miles) altitude.

What percentage of the atmosphere is ozone?

0.00006 percent
The ozone layer, which only makes up 0.00006 percent of Earth’s atmosphere, is getting thinner and thinner all the time.

Does the stratosphere contain ozone?

Most atmospheric ozone is concentrated in a layer in the stratosphere, about 9 to 18 miles (15 to 30 km) above the Earth’s surface (see the figure below). Ozone is a molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. At any given time, ozone molecules are constantly formed and destroyed in the stratosphere.

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What is 90\% of the ozone layer?

The troposphere contains 90\% of the ozone in the atmosphere.

How is ozone produced in stratosphere?

Stratospheric ozone is formed naturally by chemical reactions involving solar ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and oxygen molecules, which make up 21\% of the atmosphere. In the second step, each of these highly reactive atoms combines with an oxygen molecule to produce an ozone molecule (O3).

Why ozone is found in stratosphere?

Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Without ozone, the Sun’s intense UV radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface.

Why is ozone only in the stratosphere?

Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Without ozone, the Sun’s intense UV radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface. Ozone screens all of the most energetic, UV-c, radiation, and most of the UV-b radiation.

How is ozone produced in stratosphere Class 11?

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Ozone is naturally produced in the stratosphere by a two- step reactive process. In the first step, solar ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) breaks apart an oxygen molecule to form two separate oxygen atoms. In the over- all process, three oxygen molecules plus sunlight react to form two ozone molecules.

How is ozone produced in the stratosphere quizlet?

Ozone is formed in the stratosphere by the reaction of ultraviolet radiation striking an oxygen molecule. This results in the oxygen molecule splitting apart and forming atomic oxygen (O2 + hv = O + O). Atomic oxygen can now react with molecular oxygen to form ozone (O+O2 = O3).

How is ozone produced in the stratosphere?

Stratospheric ozone is formed naturally through the interaction of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation with molecular oxygen (O2). The “ozone layer,” approximately 6 through 30 miles above the Earth’s surface, reduces the amount of harmful UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.