
What products are made from acetal?

What products are made from acetal?

Common Applications

  • Aerospace.
  • Automotive.
  • Bearings and Bushings.
  • Bus and Rail.
  • Chemical Processing.
  • Food and Beverage Preparation and Processing.
  • Gaskets and Seals.
  • Gears.

What is Delrin plastic used for?

Delrin Plastic is Ideal for Industrial Applications Parts exposed to a moist or wet environment, such as pump and valve components, are especially appropriate. Other common uses include gears, bearings, bushings, rollers, fittings, and electrical insulator parts.

What is acetal plastic used for?

Acetal plastic, also called polyacetal and polyoxymethylene (POM), is a general purpose, semi-crystalline, engineered thermoplastic. Acetal is commonly used for parts that need to be very stiff, have low surface friction and good dimensional stability.

Where is acetal used?

Acetal is one of the most widely used plastics in the manufacturing sector. Its applications include engineering components that require high-performance, like those in the electronics and the automotive sectors. These include gear wheels, fasteners, lock systems, etc.

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What is polyoxymethylene used for?

Polyoxymethylene (POM), also known as acetal, polyacetal, and polyformaldehyde, is an engineering thermoplastic used in precision parts requiring high stiffness, low friction, and excellent dimensional stability.

Is nylon a POM?

Polyacetal or Polyoxymethylene (POM) is above all recognised for its hardness, specifically when compared to Nylon, which in other ways is a very similar material to POM. If you are looking for dimensional stability, POM is preferable to Nylon.

Is POM plastic recyclable?

Polyacetal, also commonly known as acetal or polyoxymethylene (POM), is a formaldehyde-based, semi-crystalline engineering thermoplastic which contains the functional group of a carbon bonded to two -OR groups. It is 100\% recyclable.

Can POM be recycled?

Also known as Polyacetal, polyformaldehyde and Acetal, POM is an engineering thermoplastic used in precision parts. POM applications are 100\% recyclable, either as feedstock or mechanically.

What is a POM material?

POM – also known as acetal or polyacetal – is a highly crystalline, high-performance engineering polymer that displays a broad range of properties, particularly its low coefficient of friction, excellent wear resistance, high modulus and resistance to many solvents and automotive fuels.

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What type of material is POM?