
What sealant is used for water pumps?

What sealant is used for water pumps?

Permatex Water Pump and Thermostat RTV Silicone Gasket is a non-corrosive, sensor-safe RTV silicone gasket material formulated specifically for water pumps and thermostat housings. This gasket maker has the highest water-glycol resistance available in an RTV silicone.

Do you use sealant on a metal water pump gasket?

All old gasket and seals should be replaced when changing a water pump. Before installing your new pump, make sure it’s in perfect condition. You might be tempted to apply sealant to an O-ring or a dry seal just to be extra safe, but these seals don’t need it!

Should I use Permatex on a water pump gasket?

Permatex makes a specific gasket sealer for your water pump gaskets. A non-corrosive, sensor-safe RTV silicone gasket material formulated specifically for water pumps and thermostat housings. Highest water -glycol resistance available in an RTV silicone. The sealing of water pumps come in several applications.

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Can you use silicone sealant as a gasket?

That would be OK, you can also use instant gasket that is high temperature silicone at a push. Even normal bathroom silicone sealant is temperature resistant to about 250 degrees C. If the gap is too big between the pipe and slip-on can, try packing it with kitchen foil as well.

Should you use RTV sealant with a gasket?

Please note that RTV is not to be used on the entire gasket; the gasket should be installed clean and dry. RTV should only be used on the corners of the gasket and/or stepped casting areas that have a gap. Using a small amount of RTV will fill in those areas to assure a leak-free assembly.

Do you need gasket sealer with a paper gasket?

Using grease on paper gaskets usually allows you to use them again. It depends on how smooth the surface is. Gasket materials that compress are usually found on less than perfect mating surfaces. A sealer is a little like insurance against leaks, not really necessary.

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Can I use silicone for a gasket?

Gasket maker or silicone sealant should never be used as a glue or means of keeping a gasket in position when you reassemble your engine. Mechanics often do this believing, erroneously, that a gasket maker will not only hold the gasket in place, but it will add to the seal.

How do you seal a water pump gasket?

What you want to do is get a good sealer (silicon or any other type) and put it on a gasket on the inside. Then you put the gasket on a pump. Then let it sit for a half an hour or 40 minutes and when it is sort of dry, then you can bolt it onto the vehicle. Make sure that you clean the engine surface really well.