
What should be in a GRFP personal statement?

What should be in a GRFP personal statement?

GRFP applicants are required to provide two statements: a Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement, and a Graduate Research Plan Statement. The maximum length of the Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement is three (3) pages.

How do I acknowledge NSF GRFP funding?

How do I acknowledge NSF support? Include the following text in the acknowledgments: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. (NSF grant number).”

Can you apply to NSF GRFP more than once?

As a graduate student, you may apply only once, and only if you have completed no more than 12 months of graduate study by the application deadline (you must also meet the other eligibility requirements; see the GRFP Program Solicitation for details).

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How do I write a letter of recommendation for GRFP?

The reference letter should include comments on the applicant’s potential for contributing to a globally-engaged United States science and engineering workforce, statements about the applicant’s academic potential and prior research experiences, statements about the applicant’s proposed research, and any other …

How many letters of recommendation do I need for GRFP?

Two reference letters are required, but application reviewers will read up to three letters. The submission system allows up to five reference letters, and you assign a priority ranking to each reference.

Does NSF GRFP cover tuition?

Fellowships provide the student with a three-year annual stipend of $34,000 along with a $12,000 cost of education allowance for tuition and fees (paid to the institution), as well as access to opportunities for professional development available to NSF-supported graduate students.

What does on reserve mean NSF GRFP?

GRFP Institution See for other funding opportunities. In cases where a Fellow studies abroad during part or all of the academic year, the Fellow may choose to be on Tenure or Reserve if the CO approves the study abroad period as furthering the Graduate Fellow’s educational and degree progress.