
What should I study for Bpsc?

What should I study for Bpsc?

The best BPSC books are listed below: Indian Polity – Laxmikanth. History – Bipan Chandra. Economy – Ramesh Singh….Aspirants can also get BYJU’S classroom notes of polity, economics, environment and science & technology for BPSC preparation:

  • Polity Notes.
  • Economics Notes.
  • Environment Notes.
  • Science & Technology Notes.

How should I start my Bpsc preparation?

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) 2021: Preparation and tips

  1. Divide your day into sections of study.
  2. Select standard books for your preparation and do not change the books in the middle of your preparation.
  3. You must hold a good grasp over the current affairs section.

Which subject is best for Bpsc mains exam?

The top optional subjects for BPSC can be described as follows, based on the information provided above,.

  • History.
  • Hindi Language and Literature.
  • Labour and Social Welfare.
  • Public Administration.
  • Geography.
  • Maithili Language and Literature.
  • Sociology.
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Is Bpsc a tough exam?

Candidates who clear the prelims exam will be eligible for the next stage, BPSC Mains Exam 2020. As per Gradeup experts and student’s feedback, the BPSC PT Exam 2020 was moderate to difficult.

Is Ncert enough BPSC?

BPSC Books FAQs Answer. Yes, NCERT books are enough to prepare for the general papers as most of the questions asked can be solved through the knowledge provided by NCERT books, especially Math and Science.

Who sets the syllabus of the BPSC?

The BPSC Syllabus is set by the Bihar Public Service Commission. The commission is constitutionally mandated to assist the Bihar state government in matters of recruitment, transfer and disciplinary matters, The BPSC Exam (Combined Competitive Exam) is held in three stages: Prelims – 1 objective type paper for 150 marks

How to check the exam pattern of BPSC?

From the following table, candidates can check the exam pattern of BPSC which consists of the stages, number of papers, total marks, time duration and mode of paper. The exam pattern of BPSC is mentioned by the exam conducting authority in their official notification. Download here the BPSC official syllabus PDF.

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How many questions are there in the preliminary paper of BPSC?

The preliminary paper of the BPSC civil services exam General Studies subject consists of just one paper and will have questions from the following sections: The General Science section of the BPSC civil services exam will have questions from current events of national and international importance.

How many optional subjects are there in BPSC mains?

In BPSC Mains, candidates have to select one optional subject out of 34 choices. There will be only one optional subject exam for 300 marks, and the questions will be of Honours Level (3-year course in Patna University) The choices are given below. The syllabus for optional subjects can be viewed in the BPSC Syllabus PDF.