
What the things to consider in purchasing a CCTV system?

What the things to consider in purchasing a CCTV system?

17 Things to Know Before Buying a CCTV Camera

  • Does it come with an inbuilt SD card slot or does it depend on a separate internal storage on DVR?
  • Pan/Tilt.
  • Image quality.
  • Does it have a motion and audio sensor?
  • Is it easy to Install and setup?
  • Can it be used for Video chat with your family?
  • Is it Waterproof?

How does CCTV help in the safety and protection of the community?

Study revealed that CCTV camera is highly effective in crime prevention specifically crime against person and property by recording the scenes that can help in solving the reported theft or robbery incidents.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing CCTV as the security investment?


  • Pros 1: Deter Crime.
  • Pros 2: Monitor Scenarios and Activities.
  • Pros 3: Gather Evidence.
  • Pros 4: Arrive at the Right Decisions.
  • Pros 5: Maintain Records.
  • Cons 1: Privacy Is an Issue.
  • Cons 2: It Can be a Costly Affair.
  • Cons 3: They Can be Vulnerable.
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Whats the meaning of CCTV?

closed-circuit television
CCTV stands for closed-circuit television. CCTV systems that use analog cameras have been around for years. They are still the most common type of camera installed in the field, experts say.

What is the purpose of CCTV in Barangay?

In the resolution, installation of CCTV cameras and appropriate lightings are measures for safety, security and crime prevention especially at night. Meanwhile, barangay officials as well as residents are urged to be vigilant especially during night time.

Why CCTV is important in school?

CCTV surveillance is of great importance in schools, namely; It helps in monitoring and keeping track of activities taking place in school premises. 4. It helps to identify and capture any intruders or offenders.

What is the main purpose of using CCTV?

A CCTV is therefore used primarily for security purposes. It monitors and offers round the clock surveillance in private and public property. It is also used in preventing and investigating a crime.

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Why CCTV is important for business?

Closed circuit television cameras are now an integral part of business security systems to keep the business premises protected from the threats of vandalism and theft. Since the cameras come with recording systems, it can lower the costs of protecting assets.

What is CCTV and its application?

CCTV stands for closed-circuit television and is commonly known as video surveillance. CCTV networks are commonly used to detect and deter criminal activities, and record traffic infractions, but they have other uses.