
What Unix commands do you commonly use?

What Unix commands do you commonly use?


  • ls. ls. ls -alF.
  • cd. cd tempdir. cd ..
  • mkdir. mkdir graphics. Make a directory called graphics.
  • rmdir. rmdir emptydir. Remove directory (must be empty)
  • cp. cp file1 web-docs. cp file1 file1.bak.
  • rm. rm file1.bak. rm *.tmp.
  • mv. mv old.html new.html. Move or rename files.
  • more. more index.html.

Which of the following Linux commands are commonly used?

Here is a list of basic Linux commands:

  • pwd command. Use the pwd command to find out the path of the current working directory (folder) you’re in.
  • cd command. To navigate through the Linux files and directories, use the cd command.
  • ls command.
  • cat command.
  • cp command.
  • mv command.
  • mkdir command.
  • rmdir command.
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Which command is used to break the case blocks in Unix?

break command is used to terminate the execution of for loop, while loop and until loop.

What are the main features of Unix machine independent portability multi user operations all of the above?

Answer: Main features of UNIX are as follows: Machine independent. Portability. Multi-user operations….Answer: Responsibilities of a shell can be enlisted as:

  • Program execution.
  • Input/output redirection.
  • Filename and variable substitution.
  • Pipeline hookup.
  • Environment control.
  • Integrated programming language.

Who UNIX commands with examples?

who command examples

  • Show or list users logged in. Type the command:
  • Show time of last system boot.
  • Show dead processes on the system.
  • Show system login processes.
  • Count all login names and number of users logged on the system.
  • Display the current runlevel.
  • Display all.

Which directory contains commonly used UNIX commands?

bin – short for binaries, this is the directory where many commonly used executable commands reside.

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Which of the following Unix commands is used to get the information about a specific operation?

Explanation: uname command is used for extracting the details like name, version of the operating system running on the machine.

How is break commands used?

The break command allows you to terminate and exit a loop (that is, do , for , and while ) or switch command from any point other than the logical end. You can place a break command only in the body of a looping command or in the body of a switch command. The break keyword must be lowercase and cannot be abbreviated.

What is break statement in Unix?

The break statement is used to terminate the execution of the entire loop, after completing the execution of all of the lines of code up to the break statement. It then steps down to the code following the end of the loop.

How does UNIX find commands?

locate is a Unix utility which serves to find files on filesystems. It searches through a prebuilt database of files generated by the updatedb command or by a daemon and compressed using incremental encoding. It operates significantly faster than find , but requires regular updating of the database.

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What are the important features of UNIX operating system?

The main features of UNIX include multiuser, multitasking and portability capabilities. Multiple users access the system by connecting to points known as terminals. Several users can run multiple programs or processes simultaneously on one system.