
What was Catcher in the Rye inspired by?

What was Catcher in the Rye inspired by?

It is at this time that Holden describes to his sister his fantasy of being “the catcher in the rye,” which was inspired by a song he heard a little boy singing: “If a body catch a body comin’ through the rye.” Phoebe tells him that the words are “If a body meet a body coming through the rye,” from a poem by Robert …

What does Holden think about the classics?

Holden says that he reads “a lot of classical books”, which he likes, and “a lot of war books and mysteries”, which “don’t knock (him) out too much”. He rereads his favorite parts of books that he has found especially interesting, as he does with Out of Africa.

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Why The Catcher in the Rye is a classic?

Enter Catcher in the Rye, a story that’s target audience was teenagers in a time when young adult fiction didn’t exist. It was considered so controversial that lots of American schools banned it because of its “crude language”. For the generation this book came out in, it became a classic.

What is the message of the poem Comin thro the Rye?

The lines about Jenny’s body being wet and her coming through the rye has a sexual connotation as well. Another meaning of the poem hence could be that the poet is making love to Jenny and she is having an orgasm, and her body being wet could be the sweating from the act.

What is the theme of the poem Comin thro the Rye?

This relates to Salinger’s novel because the sex question is a source of moral conflict inside the 16-year-old Holden. Saving children from falling off a cliff, then, in his fantasy, can be equated to helping children keep their innocence as long as possible. Lombardi, Esther. “‘Comin’ Thro the Rye’.” ThoughtCo, Aug.

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What does Holden value in Catcher in the Rye?

Holden believes in kindness, authenticity, and protecting the innocent. For example, as he is leaving Pencey, he is kind to his history professor, Mr.

What happens in Chapter 15 of the catcher in the Rye?

Summary: Chapter 15. The next morning, Holden calls Sally Hayes and makes a date with her for later that afternoon. He checks out of the hotel and leaves his bags in a locker at Grand Central Station. He worries about losing his money and mentions that his father frequently gets angry when Holden loses things.

How does Holden feel when he calls her?

Nonetheless, though, he focuses on how attractive she is, feeling glad that he decided to call her. Even if it’s true that Holden is often hard-headed, stubborn, or unfair to the people in his life, it’s hard to deny that he’s rather complex.

What happened in Holden Caulfield Chapter 14?

Summary: Chapter 14 Holden sits in his hotel room and smokes for a while. He remembers an incident shortly before Allie’s death when he excluded Allie from a BB-gun game—he still feels guilty for having left Allie out. Eventually, he goes to bed.

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Why does Holden think Sally only wants to go skating?

Holden suspects that Sally only wants to go skating because the rink gives girls a small dress to wear. And though it annoys him that Sally purposefully walks in front of him so he can see how her behind looks in this dress, he can’t deny that she looks good in it.