
What was Nevilles mothers maiden name?

What was Nevilles mothers maiden name?

Neville Longbottom
Family Frank Longbottom (father) Alice Longbottom (mother) Augusta Longbottom (grandmother)
Spouse Hannah Abbott
House Gryffindor
Born 30 July 1980

Was Alice Longbottom a pureblood?

Alice Longbottom was a pure-blood witch, an Auror who worked for the Ministry of Magic during Lord Voldemort’s first rise to power. At the end of the war in 1981, when their son Neville was only an infant, Alice and Frank were tortured into insanity by a group of Death Eaters.

Was Alice Longbottom Harry’s godmother?

As to Harry’s godmother, she is never confirmed, but there has been fan speculation that it was Alice Longbottom or Marlene McKinnon. Someone did mention Molly Weasley, but I can’t see that as she was significantly older than Lily and wasn’t part of the original Order of the Phoenix.

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What was Molly Weasley’s maiden name?

née Prewett
Molly Weasley (née Prewett) (b. 30 October, 1949 or 1950) was an English pure-blood witch and matriarch of the Weasley family after marrying Arthur Weasley. She was born into the Prewett family and was sister to Fabian and Gideon Prewett, members of the original Order of the Phoenix.

What happened to Mr and Mrs Longbottom?

The Attack on Frank and Alice Longbottom was committed by Death Eaters Bartemius Crouch Jnr and Bellatrix, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange shortly after the downfall of Lord Voldemort during the First Wizarding War in 1981.

Are the Weasleys related to the black family?

Through Cedrella, the Weasley family is related not only to the Black family, but also to the Crouch and Longbottom families. Through Arthur, she has seven grandchildren.

What house was Alice Longbottom in?

Alice was sorted into Gryffindor house during her Hogwarts school years. Alice is the girlfriend to Remus Lupin. Later on in life she is the wife to Frank Longbottom and the mother to Neville Longbottom….

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Alice Fortescue
Biographical information
Occupation Retail Store Auror
House Gryffindor