
What was the immediate cause of the revolt of the 1857?

What was the immediate cause of the revolt of the 1857?

The introduction of the ‘Enfield Rifle’ was the immediate cause of the Revolt 1857 because it was of the opinion that the cartridge of the Enfield Rifle had to be bitten before using it. The cartridge was made up of pork and beef. Thus, began the Revolt of 1857.

Where did the Revolt of 1857 first break out?

The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of the Company’s army in the garrison town of Meerut, 40 mi northeast of Delhi.

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Where did the actual revolt break out in May 1857?

The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of the Company’s army in the garrison town of Meerut, 40 mi (64 km) northeast of Delhi.

What were the main causes of the failure of the revolt?

Causes of Failure of Revolt of 1857

  • Localized and Poorly Organized Revolt. The Revolt of 1857 was localized and poorly organized.
  • The revolt without a clear Leader.
  • No mass support.
  • Lack of Common Ideal among Sepoys.
  • No support of ruling princes.

What are the causes of revolt of 1857 Class 8?

Military Causes;

  • Low salary and poor prospects of promotion.
  • Disproportion between Indian and British troops.
  • Social distance between officers and Indian soldiers.
  • Loss of British prestige in Afghan War.
  • General Service Enlistment Act by which Indians enlisted in British Army could be sent overseas.

What are the causes of 1857 revolt Class 8?

What were the causes for the failure of the revolt of 1857 Shaalaa?

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Various causes were responsible for the failure of the revolt:

  • Lack of organization, discipline, common plan of action, centralized leadership, modem weapons, and techniques.
  • The rebel leaders were no match to the British Generals.
  • Non – participation of Bengal, Bombay, Madras, western Punjab, and Rajputana.

What were the causes of the revolt of 1857 Class 12?

(i) The rebels wanted to uproot the rule of the English. (ii) They wanted that their rulers, nawabs, taluqdars, and zamindars should not be uprooted. The states of the princely rulers should not be annexed to the Company empire. (iii) The rebels wanted unity among Hindus and Muslims.

What were social causes of the Revolt of 1857?

Social causes: Christianity arose in India as the Britishers had been established there. So there were many Hindus who transformed themselves into Christians. This hurt the Hindus as they left their own natural caste. Also the abolition of certain reforms such as sati, child marriage,etc.

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What were the causes of the failure of the revolt Class 8?

Note – The main causes of the failure of the Revolt of 1857 firstly the lack of unity, planning and efficient leadership on the Indian side and secondly the organisational and military superiority of the English side who was led by very able and experienced generals.