
What were the main weapons used in the Trojan War?

What were the main weapons used in the Trojan War?

Spears used during this time period would have been around 8.8 feet long with an iron spearhead. At the opposite end of the spear, there would have been a sharp bronze spike, called a sauroter. This was used for added stability and could have been used as a weapon if the spearhead was broken.

How did the Greeks win the Trojan War?

The Greeks finally win the war by an ingenious piece of deception dreamed up by the hero and king of Ithaca, Odysseus – famous for his cunning. They build a huge wooden horse and leave it outside the gates of Troy, as an offering to the gods, while they pretend to give up battle and sail away.

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What was the Greek fighting formation used in battle?

phalanx, in military science, tactical formation consisting of a block of heavily armed infantry standing shoulder to shoulder in files several ranks deep. Fully developed by the ancient Greeks, it survived in modified form into the gunpowder era and is viewed today as the beginning of European military development.

What are the weapons of the Greek gods?

Sword and Shield He created all of the weapons for the gods on Mount Olympus. These weapons included the thunderbolt for Zeus, the trident for Poseidon, and magic arrows used by Apollo and Artemis. Greek heroes would often use swords and shields for hand-to-hand combat.

What do Greek guards wear?

A tsarouchi (Greek: τσαρούχι; plural: τσαρούχια; from Turkish çarık) is a type of shoe, which is typically known nowadays as part of the traditional uniform worn by the Evzones of the Greek Presidential Guard.

What did they wear in ancient Greece?

Clothing in ancient Greece primarily consisted of the chiton, peplos, himation, and chlamys. Customarily, clothing was homemade and cut to various lengths of rectangular linen or wool fabric with minimal cutting or sewing, and secured with ornamental clasps or pins, and a belt, or girdle (ζώνη: zōnē).

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How old is Helen Troy?

In most accounts of this event, Helen was quite young; Hellanicus of Lesbos said she was seven years old and Diodorus makes her ten years old.

What was the most important piece of equipment for a Spartan?

The basic equipment used by the Spartans included their shield (called an aspis), a spear (called a dory), and a short sword (called a xiphos). They also wore a crimson tunic so their bloody wounds wouldn’t show. The most important piece of equipment to a Spartan was their shield.

What were three items traded by Greek merchants?

Traded Goods

  • cereals.
  • wine.
  • olives.
  • figs.
  • pulses.
  • eels.
  • cheese.
  • honey.