
What will happen if Speed Post is not delivered?

What will happen if Speed Post is not delivered?

If item is not delivered to recipient then the mail will keep at Speed post office for 18 days. If item is not delivered delivered and full postage wasn’t paid then the mail will keep at Speed post office for 18 days. If item is not delivered and custom charge is due then we will keep it for 21 days at post office.

How many days will it take to receive Speed Post?

* Proof of Delivery charges is INR 10.00 per article in addition to Speed Post charges….​ D​o​mestic​​​​​​

​Success Indicators​​ Averag​​e Time Taken​
Metro-Metro 1-3 Days
State Capital to State Capital 1-4 Days
Same State 1-4 Days
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What is the compensation payable in case of delay in delivery of Speed Post article?

Indian Post Office Rules, in this regard, state: “In case of delay in delivery of domestic speed post articles beyond the norms determined by the Department of Post from time to time, the compensation to be provided shall be equal to the composite speed post charges paid.” Also “In the event of loss of domestic speed …

What are the compensation for damage in Speed Post?

Rajendran argued that Section 6 of the Post Office Act protects post office employees and that a compensation of Rs. 112 being double the value of postage according to rules had been offered and the article should have been insured. After hearing both sides, the forum president S.

Can I get a letter back from the post office?

You can request that the destination Post Office hold the item for you or have it returned to sender. If eligible, you can submit your request online after logging in with your account.

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How do I make a complaint about a delivery?

COMPLAINT REDRESSAL SYSTEM: Complaints can be first registered at the concerned post office. If the complaint is not redressed then the customer can approach the Customer Care Center of the Circle or Zonal area. The next step is to approach the Chief Post Master General of concerned state.