
What word means to give an account of?

What word means to give an account of?

chronicle. depict. portray. recite.

What does account for someone mean?

Definition of account for (someone or something) 1 : to show what happened to (someone or something) : know where (something or someone) is We have to account for the time we spend on each activity. The government couldn’t account for millions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money.

What does give a full account mean?

1 also intr to present or deliver voluntarily (something that is one’s own) to the permanent possession of another or others.

Should be taken into account meaning?

to consider or remember something when judging a situation: I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was sick just before the exams when she marks my paper.

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What does it mean to call to account?

to express public or formal disapproval of. They were called to account for their misdeeds.

How do you use account?

account for somebody/something

  1. 1to know where someone or something is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident All passengers have now been accounted for. Three files cannot be accounted for.
  2. (informal) to defeat or destroy someone or something Our antiaircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.

What does it mean to give account to God?

The reference to us giving an account of ourselves to God means that moment of judgment isn’t something pronounced against us from on high, the judgment we pronounce on ourselves will be an expression of our own full awareness of who we are, who we have been, and what we have done with our lives.

What does account mean in business?

Definition: An account is a record in an accounting system that tracks the financial activities of a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense. These records increase and decrease as the business events occur throughout the accounting period.

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What is another word for takes into account?

Alternate Synonyms for “take into account”: allow; calculate; estimate; reckon; count on; figure; forecast.

What can I say instead of taking into account?

take into account

  • allow (for),
  • consider,
  • factor (in or into),
  • provide (for),
  • regard.