
What you learn in the RSA course?

What you learn in the RSA course?

The basic topics covered in an RSA Sydney training course include:

  • How to know when a customer has had too much to drink.
  • When to refuse service to an inebriated customer.
  • Techniques for mixing drinks and serving them in a responsible manner.
  • Methods of helping customers consume alcohol in moderation.

Is RSA hard to pass?

Passing your RSA test needn’t take as long as you might imagine. In fact, it doesn’t even have to take as long the course provider says it will! Course providers usually give you an estimation of how much time it should take to complete the test, and this can range from 4 to 8 hours.

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What should I say in my RSA video?

  1. You must make mention of the relevant State and Territory Laws and Regulations;
  2. You must make reference to RSA Signage to re-enforce your decision;
  3. You must make an offer of food options;
  4. You must offer non-alcoholic alternatives such as water;
  5. You must make an offer of safe transport;

What happens if you fail RSA?

When you attend that course you will be issued with a new assessment. If you pass this assessment you will be deemed Competent. If you fail this assessment you will have to stay and complete the full course. If you do not stay and complete the second course you will lose your $50 deposit.

At what age can you get your RSA?

FAQ. You can complete the RSA course at any age, even under 18 years old as having the photo competency card may be a requirement from your employer. You may not serve alcohol until you are 18 years old however.

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How long does it take to do your RSA?

approximately 5-6 hours
How much time does the RSA course take? The course and assessments will take approximately 5-6 hours to complete, however, you can break up your learning making it self-paced, so you can take as long as you like.

Do I need to study for my RSA?

RSA NSW Information Existing cardholders are not required to undertake a full training course to renew their relevant RSA or RCG.

How do I pass an RSA course?

7 Tips to Pass Your RSA Certificate

  1. Do a little research before you begin your course.
  2. Allocate enough time to complete your RSA certificate.
  3. Remember the facts and figures taught.
  4. Be sure to read each question carefully.
  5. Make sure you are prepared for the test.
  6. Pick a time when you won’t be interrupted.

How do you ask a drunk person to leave?

Asking a Patron to Leave

  1. Immediately inform all staff members and management that the patron can no longer be served, and that you will be asking them to leave.
  2. Before approaching the guest, determine if you will need police assistance.
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Is the RSA course easy?

UPDATE 2018 – If you just want to do the best courses online easily – I completed this course and it is easy to pass and fun to do. The best bit of this course is that you cannot fail. Basically if you get a question wrong too many times a trainer will help.

Can a 16 year old get an RSA?

You may train in our RSA and RCG at any age – even under 18 years old.

Do I need to study for an RSA?

Face to face training is provided by a number of Registered Training Providers (RTO’s) in NSW but students are obviously required to attend a classroom-based course, which is not convenient for most people. Our online learning solution provides a convenient alternative to this.