
When can an RTI be filed?

When can an RTI be filed?

Any person who is a citizen of India can file an RTI application. He can go for filing an RTI at any point in time whenever he wants to seek any information regarding any government organisation, or its any ongoing program, any public authority, etc. Any person who is a citizen of India can file an RTI application.

How do I write RTI to gram panchayat?

Make sure you clearly mention the details you are seeking and from which Gram Panchayat. Attach the fee for the RTI of the state where that Gram Panchayat works. The office will give you the receipt for the application and will give you a date on which you can avail the information.

How can I get information under RTI Act 2005?

An applicant who desires to obtain information under the RTI Act, 2005 can make a request through this RTI Online Portal to the Central Ministries/Departments and other Central Public Authorities mentioned in ONLINE RTI request form. How do I write my application for seeking the information as per RTI Act 2005?

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Why is this RTI information available?

This RTI information is available because it is the taxpayers’ money that is being spent here. Few ministries and departments make online rti replies available to the public. You can see them on the respective websites.

What is the best way to write an RTI application?

Some states have prescribed format for RTI applications. Address it to the PIO (Public Information Officer) of the department concerned. Ask specific questions. See to it that they are clear and complete, and not confusing whatsoever.

Can I file RTI for state public authorities through this portal?

No. You can directly file your RTI on “Submit Request” tab. Can I file RTI application for state public authorities through this portal? No. This Portal is exclusively meant for Public Authorities under Central Govt. only. What should I do if amount is deducted from my account but registration number is not generated?