
Where can I download Sqlplus?

Where can I download Sqlplus?

Download the RPM packages containing the SQL*Plus Instant Client package, and the OCI package from the OTN Instant Client page at . Both packages must be from the same version such as 10.2. 0.1.

Is SQL Plus free?

You have two options for that: Download the Instant Client package: Free tools and libraries for connecting to Oracle Database If all you need is SQLPLUS, you need the BASIC (or BASIC-LIGHT) and SQL*PLUS packages. They are available both for 32 and 64-bit Windows.

Is Oracle Database 11g free?

This latest version of Oracle’s free database offering packages the essential updates to Enterprise Edition from 10.2. 0.1 and through 11.2. 0.2. (That tells a lot about the magnitude of changes: four release cycles of 10g and four of 11g.)

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How do I set up SQL Plus?

To start SQL*Plus and connect to the default database

  1. Open a UNIX or a Windows terminal and enter the SQL*Plus command: sqlplus.
  2. When prompted, enter your Oracle Database username and password.
  3. Alternatively, enter the SQL*Plus command in the form: sqlplus username/password.

How do I download SQL+?

Download the installers from OTN: Basic OCI + SQL*Plus Go to OTN’s Instant Client Downloads for MS Windows. Accept the license agreement. Choose the packages you want to install — in this case: Basic Light Package – Smaller version of the Basic OCI package, with only English error messages.

How do I download SQL Plus for Windows 8?

How to Install and Configure SQL*Plus Instant Client on Windows

  1. Download the installers from OTN: Basic OCI + SQL*Plus.
  2. Extract the downloads.
  3. Edit the PATH variable to include the SQL*Plus Instant Client directory.
  4. Connect to a Database with SQL*Plus Instant Client via Oracle Net connection identifier.

How do I download Oracle SQL?

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To install and run:

  1. Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here.
  2. Download SQL Developer and extract sqldeveloper. zip into a new folder.
  3. Within that folder, open the sqldeveloper folder.
  4. Double-click sqldeveloper.exe.