
Where can I find case laws online in India?

Where can I find case laws online in India?

Finding Indian cases online

  • LexisLibrary. Navigate to Indian materials by clicking on Sources – then International Content. Includes both primary and secondary sources.
  • Manupatra. This link opens in a new window. Alternative name: Manupatra – Indian Law and Business.

How do I look up case laws?

Searching for Case laws by Case Number

  1. Click on Case law search by case number.
  2. Click will take the user to following options viz., Select Court, Enter Case Number (it should always be in desired format – eg.
  3. Select court from the drop-down under – Select Court.
  4. Enter case number in the textbox under – Enter Case Number.

How do I find an Indian case citation?

Click the ‘Search’ button. Click on the Section in the new window. you will see a ‘Cited by’ at the top of the screen, that lists all citing cases. The cases can be viewed by relevance or date.

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Is Indian Kanoon reliable?

Indian Kanoon is an unparalleled service that provides daily updates from Supreme Court, 24 High Courts, Tribunals, Law Commission and Parliamentary debates.

How do you use a law Finder?

Law Finder is approved for entire Delhi, Haryana and Punjab Judiciary. Insert your product DVD in the DVD Drive of your Computer and find file named setup.exe. Double click this file to run the setup of Law Finder. Law Finder will install itself.

Who created Indian Kanoon?

Sushant Sinha, a doctoral student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, has started a website Indian Kanoon ( that allows you to quickly find the relevant law clauses and how they are interpreted by courts.

Who is the owner of Indian Kanoon?

Sushant Sinha
Sushant Sinha, 30, is the founder of Indian Kanoon ((, a search engine for relevant Indian laws and court judgments.