
Where Can I Find My SKU ID?

Where Can I Find My SKU ID?

Most SKU numbers range between eight to 12 characters and are located on the price tag of a product. If you visit just about any retail business and look at the price tag on a product, you’re likely to find something called a stock keeping unit number, or SKU number for short.

What is SKU ID on Flipkart?

A guide to understand SKU and why is it important for a seller. In case you are new to this term, an SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is an identification code which is used to track a product for inventory purposes. It sometimes provides details about a product such as colour, size, fit and other variations.

How can I change my SKU ID in Flipkart?

Select the SKU you wish to edit. In the extreme right-click the three dots and click on the Edit Catalogue.

How can I get flipkart API key?

Registration¶ Ensure that you are registered as an affiliate (URL: and are logged into your account. Go to API > API Token (URL: The Affiliate Tracking ID field is populated automatically. Click Generate API Token.

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How do I generate a SKU code?

How to use Zoho Inventory SKU generator

  1. Decide number of characters for the SKU and Choose the separator symbol.
  2. Enter the name of the item and the attributes such as size, color, shape.
  3. Click on the Add button to generate SKU and clear the values.

How to check product listing status on Flipkart?

Seller SKU ID – SKU means stock keeping unit. It’s a unique identifier for the product listings. The value will be alphanumerics. For example, MMI01, AF01, etc. The SKU ID cannot be empty. 2. Status details. Listing Status – Select active from the drop-down box. It will mark your product listing as active on Flipkart.

How to start selling on Flipkart?

Selling on the Flipkart marketplace includes three steps. First, register as a Flipkart seller. Second, get brand & category approval. Third, add listing of products to start selling on Flipkart. In this article, I provide details about potential errors.

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What is the unique product code of Flipkart and Snapdeal?

As mentioned below Flipkart has a unique code which is visible online so does Snapdeal. On every product description there are 2 things mentioned one SKU and the other SUPC code ( Snapdeal Unique Product Code) . Sku is created by the seller and SUPC is created by Snapdeal. You can find it in the description box under each product.

What is a SKU code or SKU ID?

When it comes to keeping track of inventory, one of the most common methods employed is assignment of a SKU Code or SKU Id to individual products. An SKU is a unique item, such as a product or a service, as it is offered for sale that embodies all the attributes connected with the item that distinguish it from other items.