
Where can I find PSD templates?

Where can I find PSD templates?

10 Best Websites for Downloading Free PSD Files

  • 365psd. 365psd consistently publishes high-quality PSD files for you to download.
  • Brusheezy: Free PSDs.
  • Premium Pixels.
  • Dribbble: Free PSDs.
  • Freepik: Free PSD Files.
  • Best PSD Freebies.
  • PixelBin.
  • Designmoo.

How do I sell my templates?

10 Places to Sell Templates

  1. Theme Forest. ThemeForest offers the opportunity to sell HTML templates, WordPress themes, Joomla templates, Flash templates and Photoshop templates.
  2. Templamatic.
  3. BuyStockDesign.
  4. FlashDen.
  5. SitePoint.
  6. TalkFreelance.
  7. Webmaster-Talk.
  8. eBay.

What is a free PSD?

It’s a free online photo editor that runs in your browser that not only lets you see all the layers of the PSD, but also do some editing, although nothing like what Photoshop provides.

Where can I sell my templates online?

10 Places to Sell Templates

  • Theme Forest. ThemeForest offers the opportunity to sell HTML templates, WordPress themes, Joomla templates, Flash templates and Photoshop templates.
  • Templamatic.
  • BuyStockDesign.
  • FlashDen.
  • SitePoint.
  • TalkFreelance.
  • Webmaster-Talk.
  • eBay.
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Is it legal to sell Canva templates?

Selling templates Copying someone else’s design and selling it is not allowed as this is equivalent to copyright infringement. For Canva Creators, you can sell Canva templates on Creative Market, Etsy, on your own website, or on any other marketplace, as long as they bring your users back to the editor.

Can you resell templates?

Selling templates For Canva Creators, you can sell Canva templates on Creative Market, Etsy, on your own website, or on any other marketplace, as long as they bring your users back to the editor. See the “Selling templates on other platforms” section of Canva Creators program for more details.