
Where can I practice speaking French online?

Where can I practice speaking French online?

Luckily, there are lots of opportunities for French speaking practice online and in real life….The best French conversation practice apps and websites

  1. italki.
  2. LanguaTalk.
  3. Tandem.
  4. HelloTalk.
  5. Polyglot Club (French conversation groups)
  6. Busuu.
  7. Easy Language Exchange.
  8. Conversation Exchange.

How do I find people to practice French with?

Search Social Media for French Speakers In addition to broadcasting to the world who you are, social media sites let you find others who share similar interests. Facebook in particular is great for language exchange groups. A simple search brings up a slew of language exchange ideas and places to meet penpals.

Where can I find people to practice language?

The 10 Best Language Exchange Sites

  1. italki. Without a doubt the most popular site to find native speakers to practice with, Italki functions like a social media site, but for language learners.
  2. Speaky.
  3. LingoGlobe.
  4. InterPals Penpals.
  5. Busuu.
  6. Babelvillage.
  7. Fluent Future.
  8. WeSpeke.
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How can I practice French speaking by myself?

6 Fool-proof Methods to Practice Intermediate French

  1. Read out loud and record yourself speaking.
  2. Watch French movies with French subtitles.
  3. Watch comedy in French, it’s hilarious!
  4. Get a conversation partner.
  5. Listen to simple pop songs alongside written lyrics.
  6. Pick a Francophone country and study up.

How can I practice my friend language?

Squad Goals! 8 Tips and Tricks for Learning a Language with Friends

  1. Find new language friends online.
  2. Use social media.
  3. Play games.
  4. Use your target language to talk with each other.
  5. Watch movies/TV in your target language together.
  6. Start a book club in your target language.
  7. Create challenges against each other.