
Where should I start with Kierkegaard?

Where should I start with Kierkegaard?

In general, if you just want to get a basic “What is considered ‘Kierkegaard’ by most people?” sense of his works, always begin with Fear and Trembling. It is his most popular work by far and with good reason–Sartre learned Danish seemingly just to read it despite him claiming it was to read Kierkegaard.

How long does it take to read either or?

10 hours and 40 minutes
The average reader will spend 10 hours and 40 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute).

What should I read before Reddit Kierkegaard?

First, I would definitely suggest you to read The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy on Kierkegaard and get a feel of who big K is. Google him around read small articles and stuff. Then I would suggest to read Fear and Trembling.

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How do I start reading Kierkegaard?

Who should I read before Kierkegaard?

Fear and Trembling is always a go-to for academics to get an introduction to Kierkegaard. It’s nice because it’s compact, is relatively straightforward, and has a lot of discussion around it which you can easily access online. Most folks, for better or worse, have exposure to K through this work.

Do I need to read Hegel before Kierkegaard?

You probably don’t need to read anything before you read Kierkegaard though I’d add two comments. The first is that Kierkegaard was intimately familiar with the Western tradition of philosophy from Plato to Hegel, so he is writing against a background and this isn’t always apparent.

What is the point of either or Kierkegaard?

Either/Or, then, could be the poetic and literary expression of Kierkegaard’s decision between a life of sensual pleasure, as he had experienced in his youth, or a possibility of marriage and what social responsibilities marriage might or ought to entail.

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What should I read from Kierkegaard?

Is Kierkegaard a good writer?

He was born in 1813 and died in 1855, and did most of his writing in the 1840s and 50s. Now he’s often thought of as the father of existentialist thought, but he’s really much more than that. He did have a huge influence on twentieth-century philosophy, but his philosophy is very rich and complex.

Did Kierkegaard write either or?

Kierkegaard wrote Either/Or soon after receiving his doctorate and breaking his engagement with Regine Olsen. Either/Or is his first major work and remains one of his most widely read. Kierkegaard wrote the book under a series of false names, or pseudonyms. The second part of Either/Or deals with ethics.