
Which book is best for zoology optional?

Which book is best for zoology optional?

Zoology Optional Books

  • Modern Zoology by Ramesh Gupta.
  • Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) by Veer Bala Rastogi.
  • Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology.
  • Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology.
  • Cell Biology by CB Powar.
  • Genetics by PK Gupta.
  • Modern Textbook of Zoology – Invertebrates by RL Kotpal.

Is sapiens IAS good for zoology?

High score in Zoology optional has helped many aspirants to get top Ranks in the Civil Services Exam. Zoology is considered as a safe optional because of the nature of questions asked in it. The questions asked in IAS Mains in Zoology are direct and straight-forward.

How can I cover my zoology optional for UPSC?

Tips for Zoology Paper I

  1. Classification should be done thoroughly as it’s given in Barnes’ textbook.
  2. Pay attention to general essays rather than type studies.
  3. Always correlate things from evolutionary viewpoint -Draw as many diagrams and flow charts as possible.
  4. Students should cover all theories.
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Is BSC Zoology is good for UPSC?

Yes absolutely. You will have a great benefit as zoology is a great optional . Rachit Raj also had zoology optional. He was AIR3 and his optional marks were very good .

Is anthropology a good optional for UPSC?

Anthropology. Anthropology is considered one of the best optional subjects in UPSC. It is increasingly being chosen by aspirants due to the scoring nature of this subject. To be more specific, anthropology means – the study of human evolutions, it also involves their biological and physiological features.

Why choose evevolution for zoology?

Evolution is India’s most credible institute for Zoology with 80\% plus of all UPSC selections with this optional in the last 16 years. Our faculty, our notes and our guidance combine to give you far superior preparation than your competitors.

Is zoology a good optional subject in JEE Mains?

Yes, zoology is a good optional subject with chances of high scores with appropriate study. Score of 350+ is not so difficult even if you study selected topics. Following is the strategy of how to study this optional.

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Is zoology a good optional subject in UPSC 2018?

Yes, zoology is a good optional subject with chances of high scores with appropriate study. Score of 350+ is not so difficult even if you study selected topics. Following is the strategy of how to study this optional. ZOOLOGY UPSC 2018 OPTIONAL STRATEGY: There are two papers given in the syllabus.

Is it possible to fully understand the past through evolution?

Most of the aspects of evolution indicate that know­ledge of the past has become essential for fully understanding the present. Ultimately it is becoming very much true, as the great evolutionary geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky stated, “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”