
Which exam should I write to become tahsildar?

Which exam should I write to become tahsildar?

To become a Tasildar, one must obtain a good score in the public service commission exam (TNPCS EXAM).

How can I become Tehsildar in Tamilnadu?

You can apply to the exams conducted by TNPSC either group 4 or group 2 ,of which you are eligible and prefer to write. You should clear those exams and be appointed as Assistant or junior assistant in the board of revenue department.

What is the qualification of Tehsildar?

The minimum qualification required to apply for Tehsildar job is bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. Candidates with bachelor’s degree or studying in final year of bachelor’s degree can apply for job post. You should have good knowledge of official language of your state.

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How many Tehsildar are there in TamilNadu?

Tahsildar is the head of these Taluks….Revenue Administrative units.

Number of Revenue Divisions 2
Number of Taluks 4
Revenue Divisions Udayarpalayam
Taluk Udayarpalayam
Revenue Villages 69

What is the salary of Tahsildar in TamilNadu?

Pay as on 01-04-93 in the post of Deputy : Rs. 2000+98PP = Rs. 2098 Tahsildar in the scale of pay of Rs. 1600-50- 2300-60-2660.

What is the syllabus for tehsildar exam?

The candidates should always refer to the syllabus pdf released by the commission for important topics. The candidates can check the PPSC Naib Tehsildar Syllabus and Exam Pattern in this article. The PPSC Naib Tehsildar Syllabus 2021 is available in the form of a pdf file.

What is the power of tehsildar?

In India and Pakistan, a tehsildar is a tax officer accompanied by revenue inspectors. They are in charge of obtaining taxes from a tehsil with regard to land revenue. A tehsildar is also known as an Executive Magistrate of the tehsil concerned.

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What is the age limit of Naib Tehsildar?

What are the PPSC Naib Tehsildar age criteria for recruitment eligibility? The minimum age of the candidate is 18 years while the maximum age should be 37 years for the unreserved candidate.

How can I become Tehsildar after 12th?

A person can be posted as Tahsildar through promotion or through passing the competitive examination conducted by the state public service commission. For appearing the examination an individual must hold a graduation certificate with minimum pass marks.