
Which game is better Asphalt 8 or Need for Speed No Limits?

Which game is better Asphalt 8 or Need for Speed No Limits?

A8 is a racing game that goes really crazy at times (you can watch game plays yourself). AX is a fun off road race game that has more amount of jumps and bumps and it makes things fun, believe me. NFS is another top-grossing game by EA and though the races are short, the fun is big.

Which game is better asphalt or need for speed?

In terms of music, Asphalt 9 does a much better job. While No Limits have only around half-a-dozen (and none were really that good which explains why I always play with the music off), Asphalt has more than twice of that number, and some of the tunes fit the theme of the game rather well.

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Which game is better than asphalt 8?

If you compare the overall performance of both games then asphalt 9 is slightly better as compared to asphalt 8. It is because it is the latest version of the game with plenty of improvements. It offers overall smooth gameplay and there are plenty of bug fixes that provide it with an edge over asphalt 8.

Which is the best asphalt?

Highlights of the Story

  • Asphalt 9 is the best racing game for android right now.
  • There are 105 cars in the game as of now.
  • However, there are some cars that stand out from the rest in each class.
  • Some tips and tricks can help players in progressing faster and getting better.

Is Asphalt 8 a good game?

The Bottom Line. Asphalt 8: Airborne is probably the best arcade racing game I’ve seen yet, with tons of light-hearted racing fun, but you’ll have to fight the urge to spend your money.

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What is a perfect Nitro?

You can use the Nitro normally to get a small boost of speed but the biggest possible boost is known as the Perfect Nitro. Tap the Nitro button once and wait for it to hit the small blue line before tapping it a second time to get a much longer and more powerful boost.

How good is Asphalt 8?

At 99 cents, Asphalt 8: Airborne is a highly polished racer with loads of content, but its pacing is slowed by aggressive gating that pushes too hard toward its in-app purchases.