
Which geodes are most valuable?

Which geodes are most valuable?

The rarest and most valuable geodes contain amethyst crystals and black calcite.

How can you tell if a geode is valuable?

If the color of your geode is darker and richer you will see more value. Darker colored geodes are hard to come by and the amethyst and black calcite geodes can fetch a pretty penny. This one is easy to remember. The larger your geode is, the more valuable it is.

What can you do with geodes?

Uses of Geodes

  • Decoration. The most common use for geodes is for decoration.
  • Jewelry. Small geodes can be made into jewelry.
  • Practical Uses. Geodes can serve a double purpose of being decorative and serving a practical use as well.
  • Metaphysical.
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How can you tell real geodes?

If the rock feels lighter than that surrounding rocks, it may be a geode. Geodes have a hollow space inside, which is what allows the crystals to form. You can also shake the rock next to your ear to test whether it is hollow. You may hear small pieces of rock or crystal rattling around inside if it is hollow.

Where do the best geodes come from?

The finest concentration of geode sites in Southern California is in Riverside and Imperial counties. The most famous of these sites is called the Hauser Geode Beds, which are located at Wiley Well in the northern region of Imperial Valley, CA.

Are diamonds found in geodes?

Typically, geodes do not have gold or diamonds in them. Geodes are known to contain gems called Herkimer diamonds, Bristol Diamonds as well as Gold aura quartz, but they are not real gold or diamonds. Although certain quartz rock deposits have gold, it is different from the quartz crystals commonly found inside geodes.

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Can you polish a geode?

Polish your rocks. Use a heavier fabric like denim to add a commercial finishing polish to your geode. Rub down the geode gently until it’s as shiny as you want. You can buy commercial finishing polish for gems online or at some hardware stores.

Can you wash a geode?

EASY METHOD: Simply wash the geodes in plain water with a bit of laundry detergent (or dish soap), then let them soak in a tub of water with 1/4 cup of ordinary household bleach for two days. This cleans most of the heavy grit off the geodes. When the geode is finished soaking, wash thoroughly with warm water.

Can geodes be faked?

Fake geodes can be identified based on how they were manufactured. Synthetic versions lack flaws that are found in natural geodes, while composites and imitations often have evidence of bubbling, cracking, splotchy paint, artificial color, and leftover glue.